
Nori Bong

This being Asia, Karaoke is a very popular thing. Instead of drinking until you have the courage to sing in front of a bar full of strangers, here you can rent private karaoke rooms (Nori Bong) for you and your friends. Of course here at DGEV, we have 3 Nori Bong for the students to use, but we teachers are also free to enjoy ... the first time I was invited to Nori Bong, on Tuesday or Wednesday, I was very apprehensive, but it ended up being fantastic! So we went back again on Friday, and I took a few photos.
Our favorite room has darker wallpaper with a bit of a swanky safari feel.
This is Antonio, who sings a lot of Coldplay and Sting. The picture is a little blurry, but you can see the TV and the awesome disco light above.
The TV just plays random Korean pop videos while you're singing your song, at least for the English songs. I don't know if it's more accurate when you sing Korean songs, in terms of matching the video to the song. But the Korean videos are entertaining. They typically involve tragic love-lost type of plots.
We spent about 30 minutes trying to figure out how to get the disco light to work ... finally, we gave up and started singing, which is when we realized that the light goes on when the music starts! I used the "slow synchro" setting on my camera to take these shots, which is why they're blurry but the lights came out really well. Here you can see Jim and Jennifer waiting their turn.
This is Michelle ... she gets really into singing the songs. I think here she was doing "Don't Turn Around" by Ace of Base.
I haven't gone to a real Nori Bong in Daegu yet, but it's only a matter of time!

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